This week in Quartz Classroom

What a hot, hot week it’s been! We’ve been enjoying the beautiful weather with lots of outdoor play, and we even enjoyed a walk or two too. In the sand table, we’ve been exploring digging, scooping and pouring with our shovels and buckets, along with sea shells, rocks, wooden blocks and tinker trees (nuts, bolts…

This week in Jasper Classroom

There were a lot of transitions this past week in Jasper Room, with teacher Neha away on a trip to Vancouver, we had the pleasure of having teacher Sue in our classroom at the start of the week. On Monday we created a special surprise for our very special moms, our Jasper friends are so…

This week in Quartz Classroom

The end of April already, we can’t believe it! This week we have said goodbye to Callie and Evan as they are going to be staying at home with their moms while on maternity leave. While we say welcome both Sylvie and Jacob to Quartz room! Our small groups have continued to expand and explore…

This week in Sandstone Classroom

What a fun week in sandstone it was. We have continued our exploration in transformation. We took our ice smash experience outside this week and instead of using rubber mallets to smash the ice we used the large wood sticks. Smashing the ice with these large sticks was very effective; especially on the small ice cubes.…

This week in Jasper Classroom

What a fantastic week in Jasper room! We’ve been extremely busy, exploring new and exciting ideas. One of those ideas was role playing. We have all been very interested in mimicking and acting out every day moments as different characters. To encourage this, Neha and Sarah built “Primrose Theatre” outside in the play yard. It…

This week in Shale Classroom

It’s the last week of April, how time flies! This week has been bittersweet because we are saying goodbye to three of our Shale friends, but we are also welcoming two new friends to our room! To Jacob and Sylvie, we are sad that you won’t be in our classroom anymore, but we are excited…

General News

The AGM is less than a week away! Wednesdays 5:30pm. Don’t miss out! Child care will be provided at Primrose Daycare.   Our Resource Centre has a great workshop coming up “Separation & Anxiety” this Monday April 25th at 5:30pm. This is presented by Jon Jon Rivero from Qi Creative (Occupational Therapist).  Dinner and Childcare…

This week in Sandstone Classroom

What a busy week we have had in Sandstone! We have done so much exploring outside this week with our physical limits. We tried climbing the tree with a rope wedged in the top. This tested our streangth in our arms as we hung from the rope. We stacked the stumps three high and climbed…

This week in Shale Classroom

What a wonderful week in shale! On Monday we helped water our classroom plant, sponge painted a giant butterfly and went for a walk to the Ottewell park and played on the equipment, we got to swing on the swings, slide down the slides and climbed up, down and all over then climber. On Tuesday…

This week in Quartz Classroom

This week in Quartz has been very busy! We have introduced more small group projects and experiences to our routine, and it’s been a learning curve for us all! Bekah is exploring plants with her group. This week they transplanted the squash sprouts to pots. They have grown so much! It’s exciting to watch them…