What a fun week in sandstone it was. We have continued our exploration in transformation. We took our ice smash experience outside this week and instead of using rubber mallets to smash the ice we used the large wood sticks. Smashing the ice with these large sticks was very effective; especially on the small ice cubes. Reid and Lucas made quick work of a whole tray of ice cubes by taking large swings, they had very precise aim. A few of the other children were more gentle and tried to break pieces off slowly. Tia used little swings on her ice block and would then rub the ice on the concrete to further melt it. A few of the other girls saw her using this strategy and joined in her exploration.
We have also started to test out what transformation can mean in art. To test this out children were given paint, paper, a tray, and golf balls. The children were encouraged to put some colour and two golf balls on their tray and then try and get the ball to roll around in the paint to see what would happen. All of the children noticed immediately that the golf balls would make tracks or prints when it rolled through the paint. The children then began testing out different ways to roll the ball. Some picked the whole tray and swirled it around to make swirly tracks, others tipped their trays back and forth, other children found it best to roll the balls with their hands. Take a look in their binders to see the beautiful golf ball art. A highlight of our week was Wednesday when we walked to the park and played for the whole morning! We were even lucky enough to have Whitney drive our lunch to the park so we could enjoy a picnic aswell. What a fun Wednesday!! Have a fantastic weekend, we will see you back Monday.