The end of April already, we can’t believe it! This week we have said goodbye to Callie and Evan as they are going to be staying at home with their moms while on maternity leave. While we say welcome both Sylvie and Jacob to Quartz room!
Our small groups have continued to expand and explore more ideas and the experiences. This is what we have been doing: Michelle and Kerry’s groups have teamed up to go for walks in the morning. They have been watching the buses, cars and trucks pass; as well as being on the lookout for cats, rabbits and birds.
If you haven’t already seen it in the outside playspace take a look! Kerry has made a large birds nest provocation from the branches that were donated from a parent in Jasper Classroom! Many of the Quartz room children (and the rest of Primrose) enjoy climbing inside, relaxing, observing other children and pretending to be birds. Next week Kerry and Bekah’s groups will combine to further explore the birds nest and what else we can use to make it, perfectly fitting into Bekah’s small group interest of birds and nests as well as the big idea of building and construction!
Ollie has been hiding these last couple of days, but we have been reading lots about his other friends such as Gideon and Otto as well as Gossie and Gertie, these have become very popular books in our classroom.
If you haven’t already, please make sure that your child has a labeled water bottle and we will be going through lockers next week to make sure all children clothes are labeled. We can label them for you or if you prefer you can do it. This way, it will help us as teacher to identify clothes and items that are taken out of lockers or accidently left on the floor.
Have an incredible weekend, we will see you all again on Monday.
Michelle, Bekah and Kerry.