This week in Quartz Room

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday and enjoyed time with your families! With the new year in mind, we would like to officially welcome Estella, Evelyn, Isla and Norah into Quartz! We are very excited to have our new friends join us and look forward to what they can contribute to our…

Thank You!

Happy Friday! A huge thank-you to all our families who came out our annual Community Holiday Party. Do you want to build a Snowman was a great success and we couldn’t have pulled it off without the support from our Primrose Families and Community Families. We had an amazing 192 guests, 16 staff members, 4…

Jasper Classroom This Week

What a week, the countdown to the holidays are on in the Jasper room as many of our friends are getting excited! This was our last full week before the holidays and we had a lot of loose ends to tie up. We finally ended our Waterfall project and our learning journey is documented in…

Shale Classroom This Week

This week in shale we enjoyed our last week as a unit before some of our friends move on up to quartz and before we welcome new friends in January! We have had a blast growing, learning and exploring together! Learning new words, from walking to talking to running and singing! We will miss Estella,…

Sandstone Classroom This Week!

This week in sandstone was a busy one! The children have been having lots of fun playing outside. We went on two walks this week and have been playing in the back yard in the snow. The children like to make snow angels, tracks, and snow piles. The sandstone children even tried snowboarding this week!…

Quartz Classroom This Week!

Over the past week, we have had lots sensory and art experiences. From painting with strings, tubes and making a glitter snow storm, to building with hair gel, exploring sea glass, and nuts and bolts in the sand table, it’s been a very stimulating week. Bekah also added a new element into the dramatic play…

This week in Shale…

This week was full of tons of different experiences. We did art that involved gluing and sparkles, and cotton balls! It was such an interesting experience. We also went for a long walk around the neighborhood. All of us are starting to figure out how to be more mobile in our snow pants and snow…

This week in Jasper Room…

What a great week it has been in Jasper room. We began the week with an increased interest in all forms of ramps and focused on the concepts of rolling on inclined planes. Our friends came in on Monday to discover that the classroom was filled with wooden ramps of different sizes, the children quickly…

This week in Sandstone Room…

This week in sandstone we say goodbye to our student Caylen. We will miss her additions to our imaginary play and hearing her voice reading books daily in our book corner. She added great ideas and insight into what the children’s interests were and built upon them. This week we added some wonder to our…