Sandstone this week

This week in Sandstone, we have been enjoying the beautiful weather and exploring the snow hills in the back field!  We have been having so much fun climbing to the top and then sliding down all the snow!  Teanna brought in a cool sensory experience for us to explore. She put baking soda in the…

Jasper room this week

Happy Friday Everyone!! This week has been filled with so much exploration and discovery in Jasper room! So far we made our own flying saucers which are hanging from the roof now! We also introduced the word constellation to the children; Alix showed the children pictures of constellations and created an activity where the children…

We need parent volunteers for the CASINO!

The casino dates are March.4 and March. 5 – we are looking for lots of volunteers! There will be a sign up sheet at the entrance of the building. Please sign up and write your name for a shift. This is one of our most beneficial volunteer opportunities that helps support your child’s program and…

Update on Closures for the Holidays

Hey Families,   We would just like to update everyone that we will be open on December. 24 from 7:00 – 3:00. We will be closed on December.25, December.26, and January.1. Please update us if you are taking any holidays during this time. A sheet will be provided in each classroom. Thanks!!

Sandstone Classroom This Week

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! What a week it has been here in Sandstone. We have spent the week watching all of the snow fall and even got to spend some days playing outside in the snow! This week we read a story we read a couple of weeks ago called…

Quartz Classroom This Week

What a busy week! We tried to enjoy the outdoors for a bit until our lovely winter wonderland began to settle in. We are still trying to learn how important our gloves and mittens our to protect our hands from the cold. We are continuing the exploration of cause and effect through building and stacking,…