This week in Jasper Classroom

BBBRRRRRRR!! The start of October has been a chilly one! In Jasper we have noticed the cooler mornings and have been dressing warm with hats and gloves anytime we go outside to play and explore but when inside we are keeping warm by running around doing interesting experiences and lots of yoga. We started off…

This week in Shale Classroom

A lot of you have been wondering – what is rough and tumble play? We have been using the term more often here in Shale as our interest in movement grows. Generally, the term rough and tumble play has a negative connotation attached to it; however, in the early childhood setting we work to embrace…

This week in Jasper Classroom

Next week is October! Where has September gone? This week has been all things weather. With fall well under way we have noticed the changes in the weather. We were lucky that Emily went to the library to find some books all about weather. We have been reading them nonstop which has sparked new questions and interests.…

This week in Quartz Classroom

The seasons have begun to change and the air is getting brisk.  It’s time to welcome fall and all the new adventures it brings. Since the start of September our focus in Quartz Room has been creating and fostering trust filled relationships. These relationships allowed children to be risk takers in their large body movements…