This week in Jasper Classroom

How is it December already, time has flown by and the year has almost come to an end. Teaching children to think about their thinking, or metacognition, is essential. When children as learners become conscious of their thinking, they can become aware of their strengths and the strategies that are useful to their own learning.…

This week in Shale Classroom

This week in shale we started off our new big idea of building and stacking. We provided loose materials such as blocks, nuts and bolts, magnets, sensory bottles, books, small tree stumps, etc. We would place them out in a way that draws the children towards them and then facilitate stacking the materials. After a…

This Week In Jasper Classroom

Our minds are being redeveloped and gaining new knowledge by our daily interactions in Jasper room. We are taking our previous weeks work and renovating it to make it a bigger idea. The Lego is being manipulated to create large and complex creations and involving blocks in this process. Our fine motor skills are being…

This Week In Quartz Classroom

“If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em” – right?   This week, the Quartz educators decided to embrace this thousand year old quote to address the constant sound of fire truck sirens in the classroom.  We get it – saying “wee-oh, wee-oh, wee-oh” is so much fun and so contagious.  We also acknowledge that the children…

This Week In Shale Classroom

For the past two months, we have been discussing our adventures exploring movement with you – movement through materials, directions and actions. Throughout our journey, we have noticed that a lot of you have been reading and participating along with us at home. This is extremely exciting for us and a prime example of how…

Primrose 50th Anniversary

Hello Families If you haven’t heard already, Primrose Place Family Centre is celebrating 50 years next June 2017. We are so excited for this special milestone and are planning to celebrate in a big way – a 2 day event. This means, we need YOUR help. We are looking for volunteers to help plan this…

This week in Quartz Classroom

How can our environment provoke different styles of play? This is the question Quartz Room educators have been asking themselves the past few days. Recently we moved our kitchen area to allow for better large body play on our carpet. This subtle switch not only created the space for the large body play but also…