What a wonderful week in shale! On Monday we helped water our classroom plant, sponge painted a giant butterfly and went for a walk to the Ottewell park and played on the equipment, we got to swing on the swings, slide down the slides and climbed up, down and all over then climber. On Tuesday we made a Dino pit by placing dinosaurs, trees, plants, rocks and blocks in the sandbox, then our friends got to explore the Dino pit up close and personal. We made flubber with Paulette then we explored how it stretches, moves slowly and made shapes with cookie cutters. We also went to the seniors manor to read stories with James, Sandy and Maureen. On Wednesday we painted on construction paper using paint brushes, we also explored the water table with soap and then we added water beads. We also built some buildings and towers with our blocks and added people and plants. On Thursday we explored natural materials by placing them on the table tops and allowing the children to look, feel, and build with them. We then painted with pinecones using green and red paint. On Friday we chased big bubbles outside and explored Lego while outside also, building a robot, house and a car. We also colored coffee filters then sprayed them with water bottles and created mini butterflies for our big butterfly! Everyone have a great weekend and see you all on Monday!
— Shale Room 🙂