This week in Shale Classroom

This week in Shale we were exploring the concept of “what can we build with?” We have introduced new materials that the children are not familiar with and placed them in different areas of the room. With these new materials, the children are encouraged to create and build with the material and make a design…

This week in Jasper Classroom

The focus in terms of creative ventures are divergent throughout Jasper Room. Play is the single most important activity for children to engage in, each and every day. The research evidence is overwhelming in documenting the power of play for children’s emotional well-being, social development and academic achievement. With so many electronic and battery powered…

This week in Shale Classroom

The transitions we have been feeling this past week in Shale have likely been regarding getting back into routine from the holidays, as well as having a new educator join our team. Many of you may remember when you began transitioning your child to our Primrose family – it was often very difficult and worrisome.…

This week in Quartz Classroom

Trying to de-code a child’s requests and language is sometimes difficult – especially if the child is only referring to “Erin’s song”.   So, to help the parents and caregivers of our classroom, we are going to share a few of the resources supported by YouTube that we use in our room for story time, dramatic…

This week in Jasper Classroom

It’s a brisk winter morning in Edmonton and a class of bubbly preschoolers have burst into Jasper Room commencing a period of free play. Amid an explosion of drawing, coloring, and play-dough kneading, Cohen and Arthur are building a tower out of colorful wood blocks. Their structure, however, is top-heavy, and it begins to wobble.…

This week in Shale Classroom

We’re back from the holiday break and we’re excited to get into the swing of things. We are also enthusiastic at all of the prospects this new year brings for our Shale Community – with Michelle’s family growing, Mariam joining our team, and Primrose turning 50. It’s sure to be promising! During the holidays, it…