This week was full of tons of different experiences. We did art that involved gluing and sparkles, and cotton balls! It was such an interesting experience. We also went for a long walk around the neighborhood. All of us are starting to figure out how to be more mobile in our snow pants and snow gear. We had a special guest this week Young son, Yun, who played the violin. He learned all our common favorite songs like twinkle twinkle, and rolley polley. It truly was a great experience! Thanks Yun! We also started to celebrate Hanukkah. We have been lighting the menorah day by day and playing with the dreidels. We learned a new song! We also explored playing in the safari as a grassy plain and water table! Lots of the animals said ROAR! Lastly, we got to go to the seniors with all our daycare friends and have a special treat and sing some more songs.
Have a fun weekend!