Next week is October! Where has September gone? This week has been all things weather. With fall well under way we have noticed the changes in the weather. We were lucky that Emily went to the library to find some books all about weather. We have been reading them nonstop which has sparked new questions and interests. We have explored the water cycle, clouds and even turned one of the hanging gem displays over a table into a weather mobile. It starts with a sunny day and flows into a rainy storm. In the water table we added blue food colouring to the water to make it look like the sky and added shaving cream to learn about types of clouds. We had styrofoam balls in the water to represent hail. Arthur and Finn showed us how to snap the ball out of their fingers to show the hail falling from the clouds. Emily and a small group of children attempted to make green clouds using green ice cubes and hot water in a jar but we only got white clouds, through the process of trial and error we will keep on investigating different methods in which to achieve the desired results.Therefore we have begun the process of brainstorming ways to make green clouds, so stay tuned! We cannot wait to see where the weather takes us next week!
Beyond the love for weather we have also been busy with creative drawing and painting. We love the book “A Perfectly Messed-up Story” by Patrick McDonnell. The book has inspired many of our friends to draw story pictures and add something that “messes” it up just like the book. We even tried water colour painting on a old whiteboard to see what would happen when painting on a plastic smooth surface. We concluded that it makes a BIG mess, we saw the colours blend together and roll around when we lifted the board. The end product resulted in gaining an understanding of the concept of absorption because the colours did not stick to the board as they would when using a medium such as paper.
We have also started a very big ongoing activity. Sue is helping us make masks that are models of our faces. The masks are made from the same material as medical casts. Once we have done our face model masks, we have to let them dry for a few days. Once dry we are doing to decorate them using loose materials. Stay tuned to see the final products!
Have a great last weekend of September and we will see you in October!