This week in Jasper Classroom

This past week in Jasper, we have been exploring the concept of miniature objects. We have focused on the ideals behind small worlds and the fine motor skills of pinching and grasping. The children have been immersed in handling and manipulating small intricate materials, this innate urge to deconstruct and once again construct these objects…

This week in Jasper Classroom

When children are young, they are learning sponges. Every new experience, every word they learn, every behavior they adopt, is an investment in a more fruitful future. You can never have a greater impression on a person than when they are in their early childhood years. Early childhood education is about honing and molding the…

This week in Jasper Classroom

Jasper friends have been immersed in a variety of different activities and creating new relationships this week. We have been exploring the neighbourhood more in terms of going for long walks and discovering new spaces to play in such as parks and green spaces. Being outside is the perfect place for kids to be kids…

This week in Jasper Classroom

This week in Jasper, messy play has been the forefront of all of our activities, from creating slimy concoctions in our water tables to enjoying the muddy yard outside, our friends have been immersed in this area of play. Now many of us immediately melt into a cold sweat at the thought of children and…

This week in Jasper Classroom

This week in Jasper, we have been expanding our play spaces in accordance to the ever changing weather patterns, we have been venturing from our muddy play-yard to the grassy plains of the backyard to the gross motor filled adventures at Kenilworth park. Indoors our focus has been on the importance of messy/sensory play. Children…

This week in Jasper Classroom

This past week, our Jasper friends have been immersed in role playing through different scenarios, everywhere you look, diverse dramatizations are taking place. Dramatic play can be defined as a type of play where children accept and assign roles, and then act them out. It is a time when they break through the walls of…

This week in Jasper Classroom

As Jasper Room educators who are inspired by the constructivist approach to learning, we have always been co-learners, always following the natural curiosities of the children. Through observation, we have noticed the children’s interest in role-playing and building, which will be our current focus. Our children are always encouraged to interact with their natural environment…

This week in Jasper Classroom

Imagine children who continually question why things look and function the way that they do. Where their natural sense of wonder is at the Centre of their learning and informs the direction it will take. Where the children’s formative conceptions are welcomed as opportunities for idea development. Where knowledge is dynamic, collectively constructed, and informed…

This week in Jasper Classroom

This past week in Jasper Room, the children have increased their interests when it comes to dramatic play. They have been constantly immersed into the roles of different animals in the jungle, as astronauts exploring the great beyond, as chefs in a fast paced restaurant etc…. This notion of play is where Vygotsky connects socio-dramatic…