Happy New Year!
The year 2017 was off to a snowy start in Sandstone, and we took full advantage of the beautiful weather! Last week, we went to Ottewell Park with our toboggans in tow to slide down the slippery hill! It was a blast! And this week we spent as much time outside as we could before the next deep freeze! We took turns giving and getting rides across the yard on our sleds! Wheeeee! And when it was too cold to go outside, we practiced our gross motor skills by jumping from the window sill to the carpet in the book corner. We exercised our thigh muscles and our glutes as we bent our knees and pushed our bodies up and forward!
It was also a very musical beginning to the year, and we were treated to a violin performance by Yoon, Young’s son. Yoon is a sixth grader with great potential, and has even been featured on CBC! The children were excited to hear him play, and they had a fun time singing along to the songs they knew. Not only did Sandstone listen to music this week, but they also made their own! Laura found a really cool wooden marble run with bars that made beautiful sounds as the marbles fell on them! We were excited to help build it with help from the accompanying booklet, and when the tower fell, we used our creativity to build a new one and experiment with shapes and sounds! Our mantra when our tower was destroyed, rather than getting upset, was, “It’s okay, we can build a better one!”
Jessica made pretty purple playdough this week with a small group of friends in the eatery! All the children have been engaged in a lot of pretend play as a result! They have made yummy pizzas, waffles for the teachers, baked birthday cakes, and gingerbread men who keep running away! The children have also been exploring different tastes. Isla shared that at home, she eats spicy food, while Evelyn said that her mommy brought her sour candy on an airplane, and Keegan told us that he had some sweet treats over the holiday!
Paulette put out an art project experience for the children to explore! The children squeezed glue from a bottle onto paper and then by the handfuls, sprinkled salt over the glue. With a dropper, they worked on developing their fine motor skills and squeezed food colouring onto the salt. The colours mixed together, making new colours and the children had fun experimenting with colours and textures! The result was a beautiful piece of art!
Brooke was off this week, but we will see her next week! We can’t wait to hear about her holiday! We hope you have a great weekend!
See you on Monday!
Sandstone Educators