This week in Quartz Classroom

This week in Quartz room we have been exploring our interest in dramatic play. It all started when we noticed that the mornings, when the children come over from Shale room, they were wearing some of Shale’s dress up clothes. They seemed to enjoy exploring the aspect of becoming someone else in these clothes. Also,…

This week in Jasper Classroom

How is it December already, time has flown by and the year has almost come to an end. Teaching children to think about their thinking, or metacognition, is essential. When children as learners become conscious of their thinking, they can become aware of their strengths and the strategies that are useful to their own learning.…

This week in Shale Classroom

This week in shale we started off our new big idea of building and stacking. We provided loose materials such as blocks, nuts and bolts, magnets, sensory bottles, books, small tree stumps, etc. We would place them out in a way that draws the children towards them and then facilitate stacking the materials. After a…