New beginnings – this past week has been chalked full of them. From new friends and families, to new educators, environments and materials it has been a full week of exploring our Shale community and building new relationships.
For a lot of our new families, it is their first time in care and we have been focusing on making sure their transition into our Primrose family is as smooth-sailing as we can. For our remaining families, we have been working on keeping the classroom and routine as consistent as possible. In the Early Learning and Child Care Curriculum Framework for Alberta, it discusses the importance of relationships within your early learning community. We have been working towards creating a place of vitality where educators, children and families are in relationships that encourage growth, creativity, innovation, problem solving and progress. During the change that September has brought, this is a perfect opportunity for us to continue this growth together!
Some of our new friends have been visiting throughout the past month and began their journey this week. On Thursday we had a wonderful morning visit from Eva and her mom Patti. Eva joined play quickly and got the chance to engage in meaningful play with our Shale friends. Because this visit was so calm, it was the perfect opportunity for Eva to grow her relationships with our friends and educators, as well as Cassi, Michelle, Young and Sarah to get to know Patti! We were also joined by Roslynn and her mom Sylvia. Roslynn has been introduced to our Primrose family since birth and fit right in with our mini Shale community. What was awe-inspiring about Roslynn and Sylvia’s first day was how Sylvia had an opportunity to share Primrose stories with Patti – parent to parent. It is these interactions that help build our place of vitality!
We look forward to continuing this journey together and we want to invite you – a vital part of our Shale community – to join us in building on our new relationships!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Sarah, Young, Michelle, and Cassi