The experimenting and investigating continues in the Jasper Room! We have been discovering sound, and have begun to add smells to our experience. From minion in the water table, to scent jars, to scented playdough and the smells of nature, we are all super curious about what we can discover next. The children also got to experience Shock Rocks, which many adults know as Pop Rocks. They are a confectionery treat that smells delicious, tastes great and does “funny feelings” (Angus) to our mouths. As Christian put it, they “tickle my throat!” The educators are planning a big experience for next week that will utilise our senses of smell, sight, taste, hearing and touching! Stay tuned!
As we delve into the physical world around us, we are working hard to grow in the other areas of our lives. Jasper children are especially working hard on confidence and self-help skills: getting dressed by ourselves, cleaning up our lunch spots, putting away all of our toys and books, etc. We expect that in the near future we’ll be able to say we can do just about anything by ourselves! We’re also going to work on recognising our names and our friends’ names so that we can start writing each other notes and letters – we may even mail some home!
Please ensure that your child has a full change of clothing and outdoor gear so that we can fully enjoy our play experiences with gusto. It’s getting chillier out and we don’t have many spare clothes to fit the ever-growing Jasper children!
Have a wonderful weekend