What a whirlwind week we have had in Jasper room, filled with many transitional changes, we are sad to see teacher Sarah leave but wish her the best in her new adventures in Shale room. With that being said we are excited to welcome teacher Emily, we all look forward to getting to have her explore and learn with us everyday. For the past week my new Jasper friends have been busy learning our new routines and transitional phases inside the world of Jasper, they have all done extremely well in adapting to these changes and are very excited to explore their new independence. Our focus is to allow the children to take on more responsibility as they continue their journey at primrose, this would encompass things such as allowing the children to set up their own dishes at snack/lunch times, allowing them to put on their outdoor clothing by themselves etc….It has also been a joy to observe our veteran Jasper friends take on the role of the teacher in terms of helping our younger friends with this change. This showcases their compassion for their peers in allowing them to transition into the room as smoothly as possible.
This week we also had a field trip to the library, we took the ETS bus to get to our destination, which was extremely exciting for our friends. The children gazed out the windows and looked onto the streets as we travelled to our destination. Once we got off at our stop, Reed exclaimed “I wish the bus ride was longer because that was lots of fun.” All our friends also used their manners when thanking the bus driver for taking us safely to the library. Once inside, our friends followed Talin into the children’s section where they gazed around in wonderment at the many books piled on the shelves and soon our friends were busy browsing through the shelves trying to find books of interest. Teacher Sarah helped Cohen unearth a book on baby belugas to which he excitedly told his friends “I have this book at home and I know all the words to it.” After a few minutes, the librarian approached our friends and to their delight proceeded to read a tale about lions inside cereal boxes, it was a silly story filled with many moments of laughter. Time flies when your having fun, before we knew it, it was time to head back to Primrose. All our friends also got to bring one book of their choice back to our classroom to read throughout the week, Clara and Ada chose chapter books about horses and doctors while Finn and Owen picked out some great adventure stories. Once back at the centre, all our friends have been extremely active in dissecting the books one page at a time.
We can’t wait to see what adventures we get up to next week, have a great long weekend friends, see you all on Tuesday!