It feels like fall..!
This week in Shale was very exciting! On Monday, we mixed glue with shaving cream and paint to create beautiful puffy paintings! They look like fluffy green clouds!
On Tuesday, we had a rainstorm the night before, and there was a special surprise waiting for us in our playspace… A big mud puddle! In Shale, we take every opportunity to explore and experience, so we let the children decide how to incorporate this puddle into their play. They chose to jump right in! It was so much fun for both the children and the educators!
When we got in, we stripped down to our diapers and did body painting! This was especially fun because we created a big, beautiful masterpiece together! The children also had fun painting themselves and each other!
On Wednesday, we were young archeologists, digging for dinosaurs in our sandbox, and uncovering valuable treasures!
Thursday, we broke off into smaller groups, one went to visit the seniors for an art experience at the Manor, another spent extra time in our playspace, climbing the logs and pushing the wagon, and yet another group went on a walk with our Sandstone friends around the neighbourhood! It was a busy day!
Today, we are bringing back the fruit popscicles! Our natural fruit snacks are a favourite with our Shale friends, and we can’t wait for our new friends to try them!
Have a great weekend and we’ll see you on Monday!
— Shale Educators 🙂