“WHY???” Quartz rooms new favourite question. Sometimes its an easy one to answer, sometimes, not so much.
What is the definition of why? According to the Websters dictionary, why is to find the answer for a reason or purpose of something. As toddlers, through persistence and perseverance, they are constantly trying to find answers. So to question why is the ways of Quartz room friends.
It has been such a sensory week in Quartz room, with so many different opportunities and experiences to help provoke the “why’s”. For example, we have been very interested in lines. Michelle did a provocation of white paper with white pastel lines and some puck paints to emerge the lines through resistance. This engaged the children so much and sparked the interest, so Bekah made a curriculum decision to extend this through press and release art using paper and a blank puzzle, elastics, and bingo dabbers. Again, the children were so engaged and curious as to why the colours would blend, or why they would flow from one space to another. It was interesting to watch the little gears turn in their heads. Bekah is planning on extending this further through pre-designed papers of black lines on white paper. We will see what they do when they are presented with different mediums.
Along with art experiences, we have also explored lots in the water table and sand box. We made soap dough, and moved it from the sensory table to the water table and added lots of water. This encouraged the children to visibly watch and aid in the change of state of the dough from solid to liquid, and in the process, create lots and lots of bubbles!!! In the sand box, the highlighted experience was exploring metal grate shapes and utilizing shovels and buckets to move the sand from one space to another.
Michelle is gone on holidays next week, Bekah and Kerry will be around to keep you informed on all the exciting milestones that our Quartz friends are making.
Have a wonderful weekend!!!
From Bekah, Kerry and Michelle.