This week might have been a short week in Sandstone but it was packed full of activities. To start our week off we took a trip to Clara Tyner Park to explore large body movement. Clara Tyner Park provides excellent opportunity for the children to take careful risks. The multiple styles of bridges tests balance while the variety of climbers build our upper body strength and coordination. Many children pushed their limits that day and upon completing a challlenging bridge or climber there would be shouts of accomplishment!
Wednesday and Thursday we continued to explore liquid incline movement. A table was set up on an angle, covered with paper, and white liquid was provided with eye droppers to squirt down the table. The children discovered that when you apply lots of liquid it runs down very fast as opposed to only a little. They also found out that if they put the white liquid in an already established pathways it went faster down the table versus when they tried to create a new path of white.
Thursday we had the most fantastic time doing art with the seniors at the Manor. We had brought fabric and paint to do hand-print painting. This created lots of messy fun where the children and seniors both tanking part. You could conversations of where to place their hand as well as what colours they were making when the mixed the paint. After we had finished our painting experience we had a brief music and story time. We sang our favourite song ‘Jumping on the Inside’. All the children and seniors took turns jumping in the middle when their name was called. Such a fun time!! Friday we capped our week off with a terrific Heritage Lunch provided by GDF. The day was filled with henna painting, tipi play, and dancing to cultural music. It was a blast. We hope you have great weekend we will see you back on Monday.