This week have been especially exciting in Shale, the week has been full of playfulness and giggles with some learning tossed in. It’s crazy to think that we basically skipped spring and arrived to summer weather. We enjoy being outside as much as we can in the mornings and afternoons. Please make sure your child’s hat comes back each day if you take it home at night. Also please update any extra clothing in your child’s lockers due to the increased weather temperatures. Pack away those thick sweaters and pants and bring on the shorts and t-shirts because Summer is here!
Outside play is a major factor in our daily activities but during our time inside Shale friends explore a variety of puzzling, funny and splash worthy provocations. From testing our fine motor skills by “attempting” to use a pair of tongs to pick up Pom-poms, but each Shale child quickly realized that their hands did the job easier and quicker. With Sarah, a group have been working on a layered paint project. Sarah creates a new colour and we use spatulas to paint the paper, which is creating a smooth but bumpy finish to the freshly painted paper. Cassie created the most questionable and puzzling provocation of the week…Clouds in a Jar! Cassie created a clouds by adding shaving cream to a jar of water then dropped food colouring on top of the shaving cream. Shortly after the colours dropped into the water creating the look of rain. Lucy May and Zoe stared at the jar with amazement. While our inside interactions are a blast we love going outside. We are still exploring and enjoying the sandbox. Theo puts his balancing skills to the test each time he walks up the ramp created by the sandbox lids, he walks up and down them and occasionally he might even “jump” off at the end to the ground. Addilynn has settled right in with all her new Shale friends, she enjoys the company of Sonya in the sandbox. Sonya and Addilynn take turns dumping sand on their legs and in the buckets around them. Pretty sure those two would stay in the sand all day long if we allowed them.
Has a reminder we are closing early on Friday June 9. We are closed at 3:30pm. Also on Saturday June 10th, we are having our 50th Anniversary Carnival in the play yard at Primrose from 11am-3pm. We will have a BBQ for some tasty food and lots of games to play! Rain or shine fun will be had, Hope to see you there!
Hope you have a great weekend.
Your Shale Team
Young,Cassi,Sarah and Emily