In sandstone we have continued on with our exportation of water play and mixing. We added on some new large down spouts to the water table to create two levels. Later we added in the stand with funnels. This created lots of ways to make the water move. With mixing we continued on the same way we had done so he previous week. Lots of bowls, lots of materials, and lots of towels! The children spent time mixing. There was talk of different cookies and cakes that were being made as well drinks that they had to stir up. While mixing they had to work together and share materials cooperatively, this brought on conversations about taking turns and being helpful to the other children at the mixing table. Wonderful displays of teamwork was observed!
On Friday we had our final Music with Dawn for the summer, she will be returning in September. We’ve enjoyed getting to learn all her songs and play with the musical intstrument she brings. We’ve had the opportunity to use everything from ocean tambourines to sodden rhythm sticks.
Next Wednesday the 29th we will be going to the spray for a summer celebration. Please be sure to check the white board for the time we will be leaving and also what your child will need.