This has been our final week for spring here in Sandstone. We had planned a big trip to the Ottwell spray park with our Quartz room friends. We had a small group from Quartz join us on our walk over to the park. We all walked very fast as we were so exited to start playing. After a long time splashing in the water, building in the sand and climbing on the equipment. Whitney brought us lunch and we had a picnic of sandwiches, pineapple, and a treat of freezes! With this end of the year party we wished some friends farewell for now. Clara and Lucas haves moved on up to Jasper room and Tia will join them in the fall, Orla will be staying at home with her baby brother, and some friends start their family holidays for the summer and will be back in the fall. We look forward to a summer full of outdoor programming. On every Wednesday (weather permitting) we will be going to the splash park, please make sure your child has the necessities for the trip. Wishing everyone a great summer and family time. Have a great Cananda day long weekend. Erin and Jessica