“Doggie, Doggie, Who Has Your Bone?”, is a popular tune you may have heard in Sandstone recently! Isla quickly grasped the lyrics, lead the group of children in song and even chose who should be the next to hide the bone! It appeared that the children enjoyed this game because they continued to play it for a very long time. They even invited the Jasper children to join in and play with them! It was awesome to watch our young children take the lead as they demonstrated their skills of independence and leadership.
Due to the poor air quality, we all stayed inside on Thursday. However, Sandstone was buzzing with exciting adventures. When she arrived, Aideen told us about the pirates she watched on Paw Patrol. She seemed very excited, so Paulette suggested, “Why don’t we make eye patches so that we can pretend to be pirates?”. Aideen immediately agreed with enthusiasm and wide open eyes. The children then proceeded to collect the materials and at this point, all the children wanted an eye patch and they all could be pirates too! After the children created their eye patches, we decided to go on a hunt for pirates in the seniors building! We went up and down stairs, then took the elevator to the fourth floor where we met some of the seniors, who were very happy to see us! While talking to one of the seniors, Max said to her, “Shhh…..! We have to be quiet because we are looking for pirates and they are asleep, so we don’t want to wake them up!” The entire afternoon was focused around pirates and they were making pirates sounds. Arrrrrr!!!
Have a safe and wonderful weekend!
Sandstone Educators