This past week in Jasper, we were relocated to the rec-room due to the ongoing air-conditioning project. Our friends were buzzed with excitement at the thought of exploring a new environment. They excitedly made plans with all their friends as to which areas they would explore first. It was a very fun week where we created a giant house using tubes and had some fast-paced dance parties to different music genres. Along with a new room came a new face. Our new Jasper educator, Marly joined us this week, our friends were very excited to learn and play alongside her. Marly is doing a wonderful job scaffolding our interests and playing alongside us. Next week, Neha will be officially embarking into her new role as Sam will be joining us as our second Jasper educator. She is excited to join the jasper community and dive into getting to know our friends and learning alongside them. Its going to an exciting new adventure for all of us to embark on.
See you all on Monday.Hope you all have a great weekend.