This has been an especially busy week in Shale full of learning and playfulness. While Cassi has been away on vacation, Vi has been joining us in Shale. Our Shale friends were very excited for all learning and discovering with Vi. Despite the weather that we have been having, our Shale friends were able to utilize the good days that were not too hot or smoky to embark on some explorative adventures outside like our new block climbing walkway which was a team building operation with our Quartz friends.
Since summer has arrived here, our provocations and experiences have been a bit more spontaneous and focused on the children’s interests. Our Shale friends were busy this week with continuing splashing in the bubbly water. As our Shale friends engaged in water play each day, Emily created a water slide from the sink to our water table one morning. Vera and Lucy May were exploring spraying warm water with frozen colored bottles another day. Lucy May was so excited about water play as she watched frozen water melt.
For those days that we were stuck inside due to the weather restrictions, we set up an environment in the classroom through which the children could exert their energy through gross motor play. They enjoyed activities such as climbing and sliding down the many slanted tables, thereby putting our muscles to work. Through active engagement both indoors and outdoors, our Shale friends are showing us their physical capacities. Along with their abundant growth and interest in gross motor activities, our Shale friends have also been enjoying and exploring the summer weather with outdoor play and walks within our community. Have a wonderful weekend, and see you on Monday.
Emily, Young, and Vi.