What happened this week is sandstone you ask? We have been very busy exploring different sensory play and going outside as often as we can. This week we explored clay with jewels and sticks, the children found it difficult to work with at first until they had worked it enough and it became easier to mold with. After the clay play we chose to make some playdough with the children to have an easier modelling tool. We also tested in it stamp painting which soon became finger painting, lots of fun was had.
Our practicum student Alice has been very busy with her provocations. This week she set up the projector with a skyline projected on the wall in the gym and gave the children building materials so they could build along with the skyline. The children enjoyed this experience very much and talked about the structures they built in comparison to the skyline.
In Sandstone we have started to explore Rough and Tumble and what it looks like in our room. We want the children to be able to experience this type of play in a safe environment. We have developed a handout on Rough and Tumble play that defines what it looks like on our room and the rules we have when we engage in this play. If you have any questions feel free to come ask Jessica, Erin, or Roberta. Laslty this was Julia’s last week at Sandstone. We wish her luck with her new adventure and will miss her. Have a great Easter weekend, we will see you all Monday.