What happened in sandstone this week you ask? We have been very busy exploring the idea of movement. Our week started with truck painting and ramps with vehicles. The children were very excited to see the tracks they had made and all the different colours. Next we wanted to make our bodies move, this called for some yoga and lots of walks. For yoga we brought in the bendable people and yoga cards so the children could experiment with different poses on their own. At our next morning meeting we tried some yoga stories. This involves creating a story around a certain sequence of yoga poses. With the weather getting colder our walks have been getting a bit shorter, however; we have still been able to go outside. One particularly interesting walk for the children was when we had the first snow fall. The children were making lots of comments on how the snow was sounded when stepped on it as well all the different tracks in the snow and what kind if tracks they were making. Our week ended with National Child Day and one more exploration of movement. We had large pieces of paper taped to the wall to see how high we could colour and tunnels with golf balls and cars to explore which one moved better in the tunnels. In the end we all agree golf balls moved the best. Sandstone room was very lucky to welcome Caylen, our practicum from Grant MacEwan back. She will be with our room for the next four weeks. Caylen has been exporting the idea of building and creating. She has been busy making many different tower, a wrecking ball, and sand castles with the children. We look forward to many more experiences with her.