How I Love My Rubber Boots!
With the onset of spring, rubber boots have been the favorite new piece of attire. What is it about rubber boots that makes them so adored by the children in Quartz?
Well, they’re easy to put on and a real treat from those cumbersome winter boots. What a boost for the children’s self-esteem! They are so easy to put on, that some children change into their rubber boots 3 or 4 times a day. One of the most endearing visions to see at nap time is children sleeping in their boots.
Another reason that they are so popular is that they allow us to splash in puddles. Although the pot holes in the parking lot may be frustrating for tenants, the puddles became a delightful surprise for our classroom this week. Outdoor water play is so important for children and rubber boots allow us to engage fully in the experience.
Rubber boots come in all colours, designs, and treads. What great conversation pieces they are. Each boot has its individual qualities and becomes connected very strongly with its owner. As educators, we are always astonished to find out that children can tell you which set of boots belong to which child in our room.
With the last snow fall, we discovered that our boots had interesting and eclectic tread patterns – everything from hearts to zig-zags. Why not use them to do some print making we thought? So, on Friday afternoon, we dipped our boots into paint and printed with them on a large piece of paper.
Whether a rubber boot is new or a hand-me-down – they are definitely precious to a child.