“Children’s play sometimes erupts suddenly in loud, boisterous, physical bursts. This kind of play is exhilarating and infectious” (PPP, p.102, 2014). This quote is from the Alberta Framework Play, Participation and Possibilities Dizzy Play section but this is a direct representation of Shale room’s daily interactions.
This week we have shifted into a new big idea to explore, Movement. We are exploring the area of movement with our bodies, how there is movement in the natural world and how does movement change depending on its surface. For our first week of experiences we focused on how we create movement with our bodies. In the past we have created risk taking with table slides in a controlled environment. Sarah expanded the love of climbing tables with balance beams from our outdoor blocks. Creating our own little gymnastic play space to explore our balance and test our climbing skills. Thea stood on the balance beam crouching down holding the bar till she felt like she had her balance then slowly stood up tall on the beam. Thea began her beam walk performance as if she was a gymnast at the Olympics. We took the boxes of our new stroller into the room and created a miniature ball pit to play in, the change for our bodies were trying to figure out how to climb in and out of the box. Many friends were determined to do it by there selves, but when one leg was over the box they did not have the momentum to swing it over, then the “help” call outs were heard by everyone in the room.
We are excited to see to how our movement exploration tests and expands our gross and fine motor skills, especially for our friends who still crawling and our are new to walking friends.
Have a great weekend and see you on Monday!