“What a mess!” is what runs through our minds on a daily basis in Sandstone room but we know that the children are exploring, engaging, and learning. Our dirty clothes and our messy hair is evidence of that. Children learn many different things while exploring paint, making mud pies, jumping in puddles, feeling shaving cream, making play dough, engaging in sand play and engaging in water play. While they are using all their senses to explore they learn new language and concepts. They learn the meaning of “gooey” and “slimey” and many other descriptive words. Messy play doesn’t have to be a stressful time for adults as the mess can always be cleaned up. Messy experiences and sensory experiences are an essential part of childhood!
It’s a sad week in Sandstone as we say goodbye to Brooke and wish her luck with her future endeavours. We will miss her lots and she will miss us too!
Have a great weekend!
-Sandstone Team!