Last week we had been inquiring about “Why?” and this week has been no different! But this week have been putting our questions in to our weekly curriculum.
Why do the lights need to be on? So that we can see! (We tried leaving them off, but it was a tad bit too dark to see, so we turned them back on!) Why did red and blue make purple in our Gak that we made on Wednesday? This was one of a few questions that we could not answer verbally. Instead we brought different colours into our classroom in a variety of ways; some ways included using water, food colour, paint, shaving cream, lights, markers, clothes and crayons. As we mixed the colours in a vast amount of ways we noticed how certain colours mixed to make others, or how they made something totally different. This will still be an on going inquiry as to why colours mix the way they do.
Our investigations of lines continued as we dropped coloured water on an incline to see how the lines of water moved. We noticed that lines would go straight down and curl around, but we couldn’t figure out why! We will dig deeper into that ‘why’ next week.
With the added provocation of construction items (hard hats, hammers, nuts, bolts) brought into the classroom on Monday morning, there have been many buildings built(and knocked over), hammers hitting, screw drivers twisting and trucks rolling! A huge stop sign and construction sign brought in have added another layer into our Quartz Room world of construction. With these additions throughout the week, we have started our own project on a rather large box.
Working together, we added taped the box closed all the way, added two doors(one on either end) and decided that it needed a window, because it was too dark!
Your mighty learners here in Quartz has been hard at work and we as educators have taken notice!
Have an incredible weekend!
Kerry and Bekah