This has been a week of collaboration in Quartz room!
A group of children from both Quartz and Sandstone went with Michelle and Jessica(Sandstone room) on a group walk in our community, it was wonderful to see the relationship blooming between the older and younger children, this will become a weekly/biweekly experience as both groups of children build further connections with each other.
While Kerry and Sarah(Jasper room) had a small group gather to start continue and expand the birds nest in the play space outside. With a list of items that are needed to make the birds nest ‘better’ Quartz and Jasper will continue to expand and explore their ideas.
Outside of Primrose, Michelle and Bekah brought a group of children to the manor to visit the seniors! We were able to read stories, sing songs and listen to the seniors as they told some stories of their own. Next week, we have art with seniors – Kerry has a special project that she is waiting to explore!
Bekah brought in a watermelon and frozen blueberries to investigate, we watched as the blueberries melted in our hands, staining our hands purple and of course taste tested them too. We tapped the watermelon, knocked on it and rolled it around, we even tried using whisks to “cut it open”. Once it was finally open we saw the seeds, explored them with our hands (and mouths) as well as enjoying a piece of watermelon on its own.
Despite the rain we have been outside everyday, with water-play and painting, we have been very involved in our outside playspace.
As a centre, we have decided to ask parents to please bring water bottles home as it is becoming a health and safetly concern and waterbottles need to be washed on a daily basis. We will be making the switch to Dixie cups which will always be readily availbale to the children. (please come to Bekah, Michelle or Kerry if you have any concerns)
We hope you have wonderful weekend and we will see you all next Tuesday!
Kerry, Michelle, Bekah