This week we have been continuing the exploration of movement through gross motor experiences, the play space, and sensory experiences. Bekah was on holidays, so Emily was with us for the week:)
We have continued growth in gross motor skills through balancing, hopping, climbing, and running. The tree stumps have provided lots of opportunity to learn to balance while going from one to the next. Some were stable, and some were wobbly. This encouraged lots of core strength and coordination from where our eyes wanted to go and where our feet landed. We have also been able to climb a white PVC pipe structure, which helps us develop muscle to help us push and pull, as well as become resilient to falling and getting back up again. We are still establishing boundaries when it comes to rough and tumble play, but we are getting better at recognizing when we’ve gone too far and make sure the other person is ok. We have also been doing a lot of dancing! Music helps makes us want to move and be silly, so we’ve been exploring different genres, tempos and rhythms of music to foster that identification of what makes us want to move. Kerry has continued her exploration of yoga with us. We really enjoy how each pose makes us concentrate and how we look once we’ve accomplished the right pose.
Earlier this week we had story time with the seniors. We always enjoy a good book when it’s read to us by someone different than our teachers. Next week we will have art with the seniors. What will we do? Stay tuned!
Some sensory experiences that really stuck out to us this week were gak, the swamp in the water table, and using shovels and our hands to make the sand move in the sand box. Watching each material have a different viscosity and flow was fascinating to see! We will be adding goop and other sensory experiences to watch these term unfold for us.
Reminder: next Thursday, June 16, we at Primrose are hosting a family and community BBQ from 5 pm until 8 pm, and we would love to see you there! Please let us know if you are coming so we can have enough food and beverages for everyone:)
Have a great weekend everyone!
Michelle, Kerry and Emily.