This week we were right back into the regular routine. Neha has been home sick all week so Alix and Sue joined us. We started the week with our play dough making and took a trip to the backyard to explore the freshly fallen snow. Our friends decided they were going to be risk takers and try climbing a tree. They were all very safe and encouraging to their friends.
We also took a trip to the Ottewell Community Park and slide down the big hill and on the outdoor rink. Jasper friends were fearless when sliding down the hill and lending a helping hand to friends trying to make their way up the hill. There what a lot of discussion on how to make our bodies slide faster or slower down the hill. It was great to start the conversation about velocity and trajectory again! In the next few weeks of our study into actions, we will be looking deeper into the definition of movement. This will give us lots of opportunities to learn and use our gross and fine motor muscles!
On Wednesday night, Sarah attended the Brain Development workshop that was put on by the family resource center. It was a great opportunity to look deeper in the early years of brain development and we’re excited to infuse that information into the way we approach our program and experiences!
On Thursday, a small group of us got to visit the seniors at the manor next door. We brought over an art experience using two different mediums to create a wonderful collaboration piece! They will be displayed soon in the hallway for all to enjoy.
Next week we will be doing an exciting three day project that Bennett suggested. He had read the book Stone Soup in our class and has suggested we make our own. On Monday, we will be reading the story of stone soup, making a grocery list and taking a trip to our local TGP to purchase the ingredients. On Tuesday we will prep the ingredients and on Wednesday we will cook the soup and biscuits!
Next week is sure to be busy!