Happy Friday to our Jasper families! We’ve had quite a busy week. We have been focusing a lot on our walking skills together as a group. We have taken a neighbourhood walk everyday this week!! We have really progressed and know all the rules of the road, what certain signs mean, and found out where some Jasper friends homes are! We followed up our neighbourhood walks with map and sign making with rulers! The children are very knowledgable of our lovely Ottewell community! We also have been busy discovering all of the opportunities the “Big Muddy” has to offer. The hills located behind the Ottewell Community League Park has adopted a new name from the kids because of the huge rolling hills and muddy trails. You’ve probably noticed as we’ve all been going home with pretty muddy clothes! It has definitely been a favourite this week for the children and we will continue to go exploring there. Just a reminder that the Grand Opening is next Wednesday, hope to see you all here! Have a great weekend!