Hello All!
It’s that time of year where the leaves start to change, the colors become brighter and change and opportunity is in Primrose. We have had some teachers leave, and some new teachers come and we are so excited to continue building the Primrose family, with discovery and learning in mind. Good luck on your new endeavors Emily! Welcoming our newest team educator – Bekah and we still continue to welcome Erin and Julia! Bekah will be in Quartz classroom. There has also been many new children and families joining our Primrose family and we want to give you a warm welcome and tell you how excited we are to see so many new faces, get to know you and watch your children grow and learn in Primrose!
Just remember to sign your child in and out and bring warmer clothes for the cooler months! Thank you and have a wonderful weekend ! Also if we say hello on the intercom when you buzz please respond with your child’s name and who you are. If your bored this weekend you can check out the Edmonton Corn Maze!
Thanks !!! Have a wonderful weekend!!