For the majority of us, change can be hard. Now imagine being 2 years old and going through the changes of a new educator, a new room, or even a new daycare. Knowing that change can be hard for all of us, sometimes our focus in Quartz this past week has been fostering new and old relationships throughout the changes that September brings. The educators in the class have really taken a step back to observe each child that makes up the Quartz room community. Through these seemingly simple observations we are noticing personalities who are cautious to participate in experiences and in turn those who dive right in! We take note of the children that are very precise in the way they build towers, read stories, paint and the children that use their full bodies to do the exact same thing. We have taken the information we have gathered and combined it with the understand of how hard change can be. To help this transition, we have provided experiences for each child to be the best they can be in. For example; exploring paint in numerous creations or reading the same book 10 times a day or knowing that a child may need to cry/be angry, then be cuddled and reassured that being sad is okay and that we acknowledge all their feelings.
This week has been full of observations. What are the children interested in? We have been on a mission to find out so we have set up various experiences that will allow us to discover and dissect what the children are interested in. For example, we set up a huge train set in the Rec Room, we put out paint and rollers to make prints, the children explored the climbing tire structures outside, and more. Next week we are going to dig deeper into what our classroom is capable of as a whole and as individuals.
Reminder we are closed on Monday for Labour Day. We will see you Tuesday!