It’s been a week of creepy crawlers! As you’ve likely heard, our Jasper room has been full of excitement as our exploration into insects, reptiles and crustaceans continues to unfold. We have been taking closer looks into the environments of these animals. Building on our literacy skills – we have spent many mornings reading through our animal resources, learning about animals different homes and how they live in their environments. As the week progressed, our interest shifted from animals habitats to how each animal protects themselves from predators. Between insects, reptiles and ocean animals, all of our Jasper friends focused in on how each species uses all types of defence skills. We discovered how some insects camouflage themselves to hide in plain site, we discussed how most crustacean have claws or pinchers to help defend themselves against other ocean and land predators and how some snakes in the reptile family have venom come through their teeth. There have been many discussions amongst our friends regarding our own empathy towards animals. We have been teaching each other that every living creature, whether it be animals or plant life is important and it is our social responsibility to help keep them safe and thriving! To further unpack this evolving interest, next week we plan looking further into each animals style of defence and how they fit into our world. We will be trying to understand how our Eco system works and how it is important to help it grow in a natural way!
If you have time, we encourage you to check out our story board documentation on our bug hunt located in the hallway. It is filled with stories of our adventure, things we learnt and information that can help you understand how we as early childhood educators want to help grow each child into the mighty learner that they are!
Have a wonderful weekend!