It was a busy week in Jasper Room, at the beginning of the week, we were joined by Emily while Sarah was on vacation. While Emily was with us we got to enjoy our first library visit with Liam from the Edmonton Public Library, he came and read us a book about Elephants which was followed by an art experience where we created our own elephant story props. On Tuesday with the weather allowing for a sunny break in between all the thunderstorms our friends decided to go to one of our favourite parks, we ventured out to Kenilworth school and enjoyed the swings and slides and countless games of freeze tag which enhanced our friends gross motor skills.
On Wednesday we welcomed Sarah back and told her all about the beginning of our week which was focused on some intense research pertaining to the study of crustaceans and insects. Our friends alongside Emily and Neha had created a list of questions that they had regarding different types of crustaceans, our inquiry cycle began with exploring the topic in terms of looking at lobsters different biological extremities followed by their habitat. We look forward to the coming weeks when we venture further into this topic. Thursday we went to explore our neighbourhood, while on our walk we ran into a tree removal service where we got to watch the worker climb the tree and cut it down, the children were very fascinated by the idea of how the worker remained so high in the air without falling, we then discussed the use of harnesses and special spiked boots that allowed him to stay on the tree safely. As the branches began falling our friends began to ponder the idea of why the trees didn’t fall on top of the nearby building, this led to an explanation regarding trajectory and angles at which the tree was cut so that they could minimize the fall without causing any damage.
We ended our week with a trip to a new park as well as dancing our afternoon away with a mini party. Hope you all have a great weekend and we will see you Monday!