This has been a great week! We’ve been busy exploring all sorts of things to get our creative juices flowing! Albert Einstein once said “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” The children in Jasper have complex interests – We’ve been talking a lot about the fall, Halloween, science experiments and robots of all things! Earlier in the week, our friend Taylor brought in her new puppy Walter for a visit and the children were thrilled to get to play and tumble with him in the play yard! The children have also been adamant about playing with ice every day so they must be looking forward to the cold weather that is on the way. Please remember to bring layers for the children as we are continuing to explore our neighborhood daily! Thursday was picture day and all of our Jasper friends came dressed in their best. It was a very exciting experience! Another thing that all of our friends spent a lot of time doing this week was was showing off their amazing dance moves. Some of them really have rhythm. So far, the song favorites are Frieda the Dancing Hippo and Ghostbusters! They have so much dancing fever this week, it has even gotten Sandstone joining us for dance parties outside! In the next week watch for more pumpkin exploration as we dissect pumpkins and squashes of all sizes, and start introducing robots! Have a fantastic weekend!
Ps. Parents can you please bring in empty tin cans, and metal loose parts for our classroom. Some example are nuts, bolts, screws and wire. These materials help to create projects for the children and will be super helpful for learning more about robots! Thank you. Lastly, PAJAMA DAY on Tuesday!