It’s been a whirlwind of a week in Jasper, we have been very busy all week exploring trajectorial aspects in terms of different height proportions in relation to a variety of different sports balls. We started by testing out the velocity of a basketball in proportion to the cement when we bounced it, this led to testing out golf balls and soccer balls, the children drew the conclusion that the golf balls bounced the highest and therefore reached the greatest heights. Next week we hope to discuss and explore the reasons why the smallest sized balls bounced the furthest.
On Tuesday, we had to sadly postpone our trip to the spray park due to the gloomy, cold weather, we hope to go back as soon as the weather is suitable. This week we also created a very special surprise for the men in our lives for Father’s Day….the children worked very hard on this project and were immensely excited to gift their creations. In terms of our outdoor programming we played a LOT of soccer each day, the children have practiced very hard on their kicking and stopping techniques, this allowed them to continue growth in their gross motor skills.
On Thursday we had a community barbecue, it was great to see so many families and community members come together to enjoy a meal and have some great conversations together. Lastly we ended the week off by creating a great big mess while exploring some Ooblick, where the children learnt about the elasticity of liquid and solid materials.
Over the past week we welcomed our friend Reid into Jasper room, he will be starting as a Jasper friend next week as well as helping Clara and Lukas start their transitions into our room.Hope you all had a great week and we hope that you all have a fantastic weekend!! See you on Monday 🙂