This week in Quartz
We were lucky to spend a lot of time outside during this last week of spring. Something new that we are air. The make-shift climbing apparatus that was in the yard was also a very popular spot to play on, over, under, and through. Who knew that a rack tipped on its side could be so much fun!
One day, we moved the rack inside and climbed on it. We discovered that we could do a favorite yoga pose on the top. By putting our feet on one set of rungs and our hands on the next set, we lifted up our bottoms and voila, “downward dog”. We called this new post “tricky downward dog”.
We are continuing to explore our big idea of movement by asking the question “How do we move?” We know that we
-walk -climb
-run -fall
-skate -leap
-gallop -jump
-tiptoe -crawl
We have also discovered that we can move slow or fast, forward or backwards OR side-to-side!
Next week we will explore how things move around us with more sensory exploration as well as build on our preexisting ideas of how we move.
Also, on Monday June 20th a visitor from Edmonton Public Library will be coming to visit us. On Thursday June 23rd we will be heading to the spray park for the morning (all depending on the weather of course), please send a bathing suit and towel labelled with your childs’ name please ! We will be sending out reminders on Monday.
Have an incredible weekend!
Kerry, Bekah and Michelle.