This week in Shale we are exploring movement with our bodies. The children have been exploring what body parts they can move, where they can move and what directions. We have noticed the children’s favorite is the direction in and out, they move their bodies in and out of the tables and things in and out of their mouths. To encourage this we have taken turns on the rocking horse back and forth. Tuesday July 14th we explored how we can move in and out of the pool we set up in our room. Marisa and Hannah are doing body painting with the children in undefined and defined spaces to see how they would react in each circumstance. Undefined space we did not put a boundary up for the children to follow so they explored the paint in all directions. Friday July 17th will be the day we explore defined space by having the children paint inside a picture frame. Next week we will continue exploring this topic and take the children’s lead to see if this interest continues to grow.