In Quartz room this week we have been discovering many new things about ourselves through art! We first used bingo dabbers to color pieces of paper and make unique shapes out of them. We also used pieces of tape to create one of kind artwork masterpieces, than to add on to all of this creative genius; we used water, food coloring and eye droppers to make the most beautiful pictures! On the side, we also had some water exploration and played with long tubes, funnels, bucket and food coloring! Our floor looked like we had made a giant swimming pool out of it! We also froze toys in ice cube trays, we put them in the water table and explored and manipulated with them until they melted in our hands! Take some time to look at all the documentation of these explorations, some of the documentation is set up in the hallway outside of the door and the rest is hanging up in Quartz room!
Join us on June.9/2014 for family summer fun!! We hope everyone can make it!