Jasper Room has been buzzing with the sounds of beetles, butterflies and worms! While playing by the window one of the children discovered a tiny black and gray beetle scuttling along the window sill. We quickly scooped him up and put him in one of our bug jars so we could watch to see what the beetle would do! As we observed we noticed the beetle liked to hide in the grass we collected and he also scurried around in circles. On Monday we went for a walk in the rain and we noticed all the worms had come out to lay on the side walk. Luckily we had one of our bug containers with us so we scooped up some dirt and collected some worms. It was neat seeing them squirm in and out of the dirt! Over the weekend we had 4 butterflies emerge from their chrysalis’s so on Wednesday we took them out to the field and released them into the wild. When we came back inside we were surprised to discover the our Early Learning Teacher had brought another container of caterpillars! We now have 12 chrysalis hanging in the butterfly house and were hoping to find 12 butterflies when we come back on Monday!