“Moo, Neigh, Baa, Quack” this is what we have been saying in Quartz classroom all week! Our big idea has been animals but we decided to narrow in on farms and the animals that live within them. We listened to the sounds animals make and tried to make the same sounds with our own mouths, we also went for a walk outside to our new center and on the way we saw a dog and a cat! The cat came up to us and a few of our friends got to pet the cat, it was a new real life experience. To help further our idea of farm animals, Nina came up with the idea of creating our own “life size” farmhouse, we got big pieces of cardboard out and lots of different colored paints and we all painted out our very own farm animals. It was a messy but lots of fun, we used pink paint for the pig, brown paint for our horse and chicken, white for a sheep and are planning on painting a black sheep as well to go along with our favorite song that we all love to sing, “Baa, Baa Black Sheep.” Keep your eyes out for our new farmhouse coming soon!