Quartz classroom was filled with yet another busy and productive learning week. We are on a journey of exploring different types of animals. This week we were able to look at real farm animals and compare them to what our classroom ones look like. Some of our friends identified some of the features like the horses have big teeth, and the cow have utters. Other friends in the classroom talked about their family farms and this brought lots of talk about Grandma and Grandpas!
We also were very excited as we prepared for our big classroom party today to celebrate our love for animals and birds! The children prepared the muffins, and cookies. They even painted with red and did some gluing with feathers. The children during this experience identified that glue is “sticky.” These experiences may seem little, but allow children to expand on their language development.
Favorite moment: Shredded paper in the water table! The children loved this experience! They were throwing the paper, hiding friends, and making it snow in the classroom. We hope next week is super warm so we can have lots of time outdoors exploring wet, puddles and snow.
Have a happy happy happy long weekend!