This week in Quartz room we have expanded lots with our light and shadow concepts and have started really provoke the children and ourselves with questions about light and shadow. Take a minute one of these days to look around the room and see all the new documentation put up about our light and shadow adventures and what sort of questions we have been asking, such as; “do shadows always have to be dark?” as you will see in the pictures we took, shadows do not always need to be dark. We took our colored light table blocks to the park and built towers out of them, you could see the colorful reflection on the sidewalk! It was very interesting to see. We also brought in new flashlights! They have been the highlight of the week for the children, we first started out by playing with them as is and making fast movements on the on the roof of the room. We than expanded by taping colored cellophane over the flashlights and creating different colors that way! Some children would move the lights really fast saying “it looks like a dogs tail wagging!” we than came up with the idea of bringing the tent in, what goes better with twinkling stars than a tent and flashlights! The tent has been a really new and exciting way to do our regular routines in. We have had morning meeting inside the tent, pretty squishy when we are singing and dancing! We have also had our afternoon snack inside the tent; it creates a new adventure for all of us and new topics to discuss with the children! We have lots of new ideas coming up and lots of new documentation to look forward too!!