This week Jasper Room took a little detour away from buildings to enjoy this amazing fall weather! The leaves have really begun to change colors and fall off the trees so we spent a lot of time outdoors exploring leaves. Just on the other side of the bushes in front of the center we discovered a whole field full of leaves that had fallen to the ground. We quickly went back to grab some shovels and rakes and the children worked together to gather all the leaves into a pile. When our pile was nice and high we lined up and all took turns jumping into the leaves! After we were done jumping all the children grabbed handfuls of leaves and threw them into the air. We loved watching the catch in the wind and float back to the ground.
All of the Jasper Room children are very excited to spend a long weekend at home and then when we come back on Tuesday it is time for our field trip! We can’t wait to tell you all about it!
Happy Thanksgiving!